Leave it to a two year old...
I decided to treat the boys to the zoo one morning and due to rain and tempers we left early. So we ran through the golden arches for a quick lunch. Only it turned out to be a very long lunch. About 5 hours to be exact.
After giving the boys their food, Braden started complaining that his nose hurt. Yep, I bet you know where this is going! I asked him why to which he stated there was a french fry in his nose. I, being a skeptic of course, told him in sweet words to pretty much suck it up and eat his lunch. A few moments later he complained again about his nose,and yet again I thought he was stalling so he didn't have to take a nap. So I took him outside in the sunlight, tilted up his nose and sure enough....
Yep. He did. So off to the Dr we went (of course the nurse thought this was so funny!) and the kind man could not get it out. It was not a crispy fry and therefore was coming apart in tiny pieces. Next stop. The hospital. Which after a long wait time was able to vacuum the entire thing out. No more happy meals for this kid until he graduates. But then, I've seen what college kids can do.
The Magnificat
2 years ago