It's hard to believe a new year has begun. But, I say that every year! So many things have happened in 2005. Our family started the year off mourning the loss of my grandmother in winter of 2004. I turned 26. Richard turned 28. Our house went on the market in February. Richard resigned from Mesquite. Ashlyn turned 4. Carter turned 2. We moved to Yankee territory. Richard started the Police Academy. Braden was born. We sold our house. Richard received a contract from a VERY NICE city. Richard graduated from the academy (#4 in his class I might add!!). Richard started his new job. Christmas!! And now, 2006......I am so looking forward to this year. Unlike previous years in which it was just another day, week, month, year...This is the year we plant real roots here(A HOUSE!!) So, that's what our winter and spring are going to look like. Birthdays on the horizon, I'm inching so much closer to 30! And Richard's almost there. But I really want this year to be a year of real growth for our family. I've been studying more than I ever have, and have been wanting more and more of God in every aspect in my life. Ashlyn and Carter are like little sponges and it's so exciting to see them want to know more as well. I've begun really working on memory verses with them. It's so sweet to hear them proclaim the words Jesus himself spoke! It truly squeezes my heart! So Bring on 2006! We're ready!
Just a sidenote, we are really working hard on potty training Carter( The stubborn 2nd child that he his-God love him) and I ran out for groceries while Richard was watching the kids, when I came home Carter was on the big potty belting out as loud as he could,"Lord, reign in Me!"
So adorable! He also has puppy underwear (actually he calls them panties, yes, go ahead and laugh! Ashlyn calls hers panties, so that's what he calls his!) and he does not want them to get wet, because as Daddy says, "No one likes a wet dog!!" That's yuckiness!
The Magnificat
2 years ago
So funny! Panties/underwear-it's all relative, right?
God bless you guys in 2006. Isn't it the greatest feeling to know God is working in your (and your family) life and drawing you near to Him!!
Love you guys!
Hey woman, I am so happy for you guys. I know that God is blessing your family with big things. If by some chance you want to pass on some ideas on potty training I would enjoy it. I am training them both at the same time. Brennen is open to it, however Bonnie fights it. Love you guys and hope everything is great with you. Love you!!!
It sounds like you guys have had a pretty big year. I'm glad that Richard got a job in a nice town, that you guys are getting settled, and that you are growing so close to God. I hope that 2006 is an even better year for your family. We have an issue about the word "panties" in our house too. It is very important to Josh that Major NOT call them panties. What are we supposed to do if that is all they hear from their big sis?
Carter is so much a little boy that I myself have no worries. Richard on the other hand can't stand it when Carter likes anything remotely feminine. Currently his favorite movies are Tarzan and the Barbie Collection!! Needless to say he only gets to watch the Barbie movies when Daddy isn't home!
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