Monday, July 06, 2009

I'm still here...

I can honestly say since I started facebook, this blog has been a distant memory. But, there's just something different about a blog and I've decided to rejoin the land of blogging.

There is way too much to catch up on in the last six months so I'll just start with this week and as important memories/events surface since my last post, I may blog on it or not.

Yesterday we dropped Ashlyn off at camp for the very first time. She has been so excited and couldn't stop talking about it. She made us teach her camp songs and tell her all about what would happen while she's there. While we know she's having a great time, we are kind of mopey at home. We keep looking at the clock and wondering what she's doing. It's so strange to think she's old enough to go to camp by herself. Where did the time go? We pick her up on Thursday and I can't wait!

Just a couple pictures I'll include of our family!


D Root said...

Hurray for a blog update!!! I check every day just to see. :) Love those family pictures. Such a beautiful family.
Our Joshua went to camp this year for the first time too. I think he really enjoyed it too.

Rachel said...

Those pictures are GREAT!!! Your family is beautiful! Hope Ashlyn has a great time at camp! Glad to see you blogging again!

Deborah said...

YEA!! I'm so glad you've joined us in blog-land again.

It is so hard to believe Ashlyn and Joshua are old enough to do "big kid things" like go to camp.

Your kids are so cute. Braden's beautiful eyes are going to get him in trouble some day!