I have also been tagged.......
First Memory: I remember being at my Grandmother's house and my Dad coming in to tell us that we had a baby sister. I was three.
First Kiss: My mom when I was born, (the romantic stuff WILL NOT be for public knowledge)
First Concert: Acapella (The great years, with Keith Lancaster and George Pendergrass and Rodney Britt)
First Love: I'm not sure, I think everyday I find out more and more what love
Really is.
First thing I think in the Morning: Just a few more minutes!
First Book I remember loving: Not sure, I loved the whole Nancy Drew series and the Hardy Boys( I really wanted to marry one!)
First Pet: Bessie and Ernie(our Beagles)
First Question when I get to Heaven: Don't know, I have so many. One of been contemplating recently(due to our small group study on Phillipians) is "When Jesus left Heaven in the form of a man, what did he miss the most?"
First word I think of for Vacation: Sleeping In!!
First Best Friend: Tara Davis (Kindergarten-Mud Pies!)
Last Time I dressed up: Sunday morning for church
Last thing I ate: I had a soda and a cookie for breakfast(yes, I know it's pathetic!)
Last CD I bought: Casting Crowns -Lifesong
Last time I cried: This morning when a good friend died.
Last time I told someone I loved them: This morning to my children as I dropped them off at school.
Last really fun thing I did: We went to a pumpkin patch on Saturday.! I love watching my children explore and do fun things!
Last thing I watched on TV: Angels vs. Yankees last night
Last Halloween Costume: I dont' remember. I know we dressed up, but can't remember as what?
Last Concert- Mark Schultz